Treasury Check Verification Tools

Updated August 2020

Millions of Economic Impact Payment checks have been issued by the U.S. Treasury, providing critical financial relief to those affected by the pandemic. The U.S. government is considering another coronavirus stimulus package to include a second round of direct payments to Americans, once again putting as many as 5 million paper checks a week into distribution.

Developed in cooperation with the U.S. Treasury, Vertifi’s U.S. Treasury Check Verification and Reporting tools allow you to get these funds into the hands of your customers quickly while mitigating the potential risks associated with these payments.

  • Test the validity of U.S. Treasury issued items, including Economic Impact Payment checks
  • Get real-time status results from the U.S. Treasury database to help you make better informed decisions about how to respond to these items
  • Automate the administrative review queue and funds availability for these items

Vertifi's Treasury Check Verification tools were released in late April 2020 as the first round of Economic Impact Payment checks were distributed across the nation. To date, hundreds of Vertifi service users have utilized the fully automated Treasury Check testing tools and other reporting tools to monitor and manage U.S. Treasury check errors and fraud. These tools enable administrators to proactively respond to these items, make better-informed decisions about funds availability, and potentially prevent losses. They are available at no additional cost to service users and may be enabled in seconds.

analyticsItems Flagged: June & July 2020
  • Nearly 125 stale checks
  • Over 300 checks found to be previously paid
  • Nearly 500 checks with wrong amounts
  • Over 100 checks with stop codes
